Revista digital
marzo 2019

The pathway of women in the world of work

Alba Giménez,
Marketing Assistant de Talent Search People

Alba GiménezThe evolution of women in the workplace has meant that their role in society has changed and improved, although there are large and heavy struggles with centuries of tradition that still apply to many people.
The access and right to professional training of women in recent decades has also been proportional to the incorporation of women in the labor market, seeing it as a worker with the same qualities as a man, and even higher. This has meant that gender inequality in the workplace has been decreasing, being a huge honor to continue fighting for the equality that has been fought for centuries.

Despite these improvements, it is true that the incorporation and promotion of women still presents differences compared to men.

What is certain is that we must continue fighting for the rights of women in the workplace, and put aside the strength of history and feminine tradition. Grow up to get married, have children and take over the home? No way! Promoting a change of mentality is essential to make women a great worker, not only in their personal lives but also in their professional lives.

It’s a fact that female presence in companies brings great benefits. According to several studies, as a general rule, the entrepreneur is characterized by having great initiative, a great leadership development, good ability to work as a team and, above all, encourages recruitment diversity.

Other studies of companies with female representation at work detail that with the presence of women as a major pillar of the company's organizational culture, performance and work environment are more favorable.

Centuries ago, who was going to bet on the executive woman in the top management of a big company? This current reality shows that women have the same leadership abilities as a man. In fact, some researchers say that companies with female representation in business management obtain better economic results and retain the trajectory of their workers in the company for longer because of the trust and opportunities that are transmitted to them.

Despite studies, there are still a large number of women who do not value and do not believe in themselves as successful workers. Perhaps because of the feminine tradition that society has installed in society or because of fear of not living up to the knowledge necessary to face the world of work.

It is true that many employees have suffered and continue suffering discrimination at work, because in many cases, the market still prefers male profiles, but there are many reasons for hiring more women and betting on them at work. We must continue promoting the creation of companies by women, their training and encouraging themselves to fight for their rights and possibilities.

If you have reached the point of trusting female talent in all aspects of work, why not continue betting on gender equality in work by all society, cultures and countries?
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